Information management using the EndNote X7 reference manager in Doctoral programs




bibliographic reference manager, higher education, information product


The higher education system in the information society and the impetuous development achieved by information and communication technologies (ICT) requires university libraries (BU) to make use of technological advances in the creation of new products and services, to provide well-being to its community, by satisfying the needs of information and continuous guidance to its users with the use of ICT. This work presents an information product that contains a digital library created through the Bibliographic Reference Manager (GRB) EndNote fields, selected from an interview and the analysis of the authors with the purpose of supporting the work of researchers and professionals. In addition, the methodological procedure followed to prepare the information product is offered.


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Tutorial EndNote 7.



How to Cite

Suárez Hernández, N. E., Soler Rodríguez, G., Pérez Domínguez, M. O., Gómez Román, L. D., & Ortiz Guzmán, Y. (2024). Information management using the EndNote X7 reference manager in Doctoral programs. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 130–143.



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