Structural analysis of a 12 m lighting pole affected by hurricane winds




computational fluid dynamics, metal structure, structural analysis


Objective: To perform the structural analysis of the 12 m pole designed and manufactured by Empresa Mecánica Bayamo (EMBA). Method: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to assess the effect of wind loads from a Category 3 hurricane according to the Saffir-Simpson scale. Considering this effect, as well as the permanent loads, static structural studies were conducted to determine the stresses and displacements of the structure. Results: The stresses evaluated were von Mises stresses, which yielded a maximum value of 156.4 MPa and a displacement in the wind deflection of 210.6 mm. Conclusion: Based on the maximum stresses, the minimum safety factor obtained was 1.2, demonstrating that the deformations caused under the study's conditions will not be permanent, while the displacements are considered acceptable given the magnitude of the loads and the pole's height.


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How to Cite

Ramos Botello, Y. M., & Arias Hidalgo, R. M. (2024). Structural analysis of a 12 m lighting pole affected by hurricane winds. Universidad & Ciencia, 13(2), 234–247.



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