Exercise system for take-off strength in the long jump
exercise system, long jump, physical education, sport for all, takeoff forceAbstract
Introduction: The insufficiency of the conditional strength physical capacity has caused a low rate of development in the athletes of the sport for all, from the Honorato del Castillo school, category 11-12 years, of the Ciro Redondo Municipality, which has motivated to introduce experimental, the practice of the long jump, with the introduction of a system of exercises to educate the strength of the take-off leg and motivate athletes to achieve better sports results, proposing the Objective: to design a system of exercises for teaching technique of strength in the take-off leg of the long jump, category 11-12 years, of the Ciro Redondo Municipality, Method: the feasibility of the exercise system is valid from the experimental study, which is based on theoretical and empirical methods, which They enrich the knowledge and practice of the topic covered in the athletics area of sport for all; Results: in general, the effectiveness of the exercise system applied was achieved, achieving an increase in the physical capacity and strength of the take-off leg for the long jump of the athletes under investigation. Conclusion: with the implementation of the exercise system, it is possible to increase the power of the take-off leg from the improvement in the effectiveness of the technique and thus the increase in sports results.
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