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Scientific writing in university teachers: pedagogical reflections



The essay aims to analyze from a pedagogical perspective the linguistic phenomena that affect scientific writing in teachers at Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila. The analysis is supported by the documentary analysis of 15 scientific articles written by university professors and proposed for publication in the University&Science journal. The articles address topics from different specialties: Accounting, Law, Industrial Engineering, Physical Culture, Livestock and Agronomy and Social Sciences. Linguistic phenomena were identified as: the use of colloquialisms, repetitive and ambiguous phrases; syntax alteration; the incorrect use of the gerund; the lack of grammatical concordance and spelling errors that affect scientific writing. It is concluded that these insufficiencies affect the quality of the scientific text and it is argued that its solution requires an approach in which different cohesive theories are articulated through a pedagogical approach.


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How to Cite

Bermúdez-Torres, I. (2021). Scientific writing in university teachers: pedagogical reflections. Educación Y Sociedad, 19(3). Retrieved from