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Study of focus group about the evaluation of the Institutional Educational Project



estudio descriptivo, proyecto educativo institucional, grupo focal


The current study used a group interview as a methodological guide to achieve interaction and dynamics in a focus group. The objective is to determine the opinions, evaluations, attitudes and behaviors of the participants on the evaluative stage of the Institutional Educational Project. The methodological design was formed from a descriptive study; it was focused on reflecting empirical methods such as the interview and the observation aimed at identifying two types of information: the evaluations and opinions of the participants and the group interaction that demonstrates the attitudes and behaviors of the focus group discussion. The opinions and evaluations demonstrated the need to promote spaces for dissemination, control and monitoring of activities and design indicators through a manual for the evaluation of the Institutional Educational Project. Positive attitudes were also manifested, no tension or conflicts were generated and the behavior was friendly, respectful, participatory and committed.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Cruz, J. M. (2021). Study of focus group about the evaluation of the Institutional Educational Project. Educación Y Sociedad, 19(3), 40–58. Retrieved from