Grammatical models on the formation of didactic strategies of English language teaching in the teaching profession



Traditional Grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, phrase-structure grammar, Transformational Grammar, linguistic universals, universal grammar


The need to theorize on the knowledge of the grammatical domain has been identified in the teaching performance of the students of the English language faculty of the Language Section of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala through the recounting of the different grammatical models that analyze the relationships between grammar and language. The purpose of this study is to outline the historical development of grammatical schools and theories from the perspective of traditional grammar, structuralism, and transformational grammar so that the student can support his methodological strategies of English language teaching with grammatical linguistic theoretical foundations. The main fundamentals of each grammatical school related to linguistic science and the work of grammarians on the explanation of the perception and production of expressions and sentences of English speakers are emphasized.


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How to Cite

López-Ruíz, J. G., & Ramos-Barrera, L. F. (2023). Grammatical models on the formation of didactic strategies of English language teaching in the teaching profession. Educación Y Sociedad, 21(1), 88–104. Retrieved from


