Paradigm of integral social and cultural formation




formación integral, formación social , formación cultural, paradigma


It is intended to reflect on situations and ideas offered by the world today, the position in which these situations place the education that most schoolchildren are receiving, looking back a little in rescue of previous achievements, and visualizing the challenges that they entail. for educational sciences. Today young people have more opportunities to be independent: education has made customs more flexible. Observing the prevailing picture, we find a permanence of difficulties in education, among which stand out: the expository role of the teacher, without involving the student who remains passive; which demonstrates that the center of educational interest is teaching and not learning. That is to say, that knowledge emerges in the teacher's words and is not converted into learning, into student abilities and attitudes for life. A new paradigm must be assumed to improve education.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-de Zayas, R. M. (2023). Paradigm of integral social and cultural formation. Educación Y Sociedad, 21(2), 39–51.


