Analysis of external communication disclosed on the social networks of the Technical University of Babahoyo




external communication, social networks, university communication, Facebook, Instagram


Introduction: this study focuses on organizational communication, which has an incipient development in Ecuador and especially in the institutions of the Higher Education System. Objective: to analyze the external communication disclosed on the social networks of the Technical University of Babahoyo. Method: since this is a unique study, the case study method of a particular HEI was applied, from which three digital channels were selected: website and social networks: Facebook and Instagram of the UTB. By using the content analysis technique, these were monitored during an established period of time. Results: the periodicity of the communication flow of the social network Facebook, the interactions and the feedback that occurs among users, are determined. Conclusion: in this sense it is evident that the flow of communication on Instagram is minimal; and the management of the website by the institution.



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How to Cite

Urquiza Mendoza , L. I., Duarte Mendoza , M. del R., León López, P., & Trelles Rodríguez , I. (2024). Analysis of external communication disclosed on the social networks of the Technical University of Babahoyo. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 12(2), e8571.



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica