Planning for the implementation of a Surveillance and Intelligence System in Cuban organizations
intelligence, implementation plan, system, surveillanceAbstract
Introduction: in academic centers and some high-tech sectors in Cuba, innovation is an integral part of organizational know-how. However, this is not the case in the business sector, where there is an urgent need to promote the use of management tools and a culture of innovation. Objective: to propose an organizational structure and a plan for the implementation of a Surveillance and Intelligence System in Cuban organizations. Method: the research conducted follows a qualitative approach; through content analysis of various sources, the types of surveillance and organizational models for their implementation are described. The synthetic method allowed for the proposal of the structure of the Surveillance and Intelligence System to be used in Cuban organizations, based on the NC 1308:2019 standard, as well as the plan for its implementation. Results: the research conducted follows a qualitative approach; through content analysis of various sources, the types of surveillance and organizational models for their implementation are described. The synthetic method allowed for the proposal of the structure of the Surveillance and Intelligence System to be used in Cuban organizations, based on the NC 1308:2019 standard, as well as the plan for its implementation. Conclusion: the proposed organizational structure and implementation plan for the Surveillance and Intelligence System contribute to its application in Cuban organizations.
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