Ethical Statement and Good Editorial Practices

Ethical Statement and Good Editorial Practices

The publication of articles in the Journal "Estrategia y Gestión Universitaria" constitutes an ongoing process of knowledge production. It is committed to ensuring the transmission of scientific knowledge with rigor and quality, under an ethical commitment to the scientific and academic community. The protocols and guidelines described here are common practices in internationally renowned publishers. The journal refers to the Code of Ethics and Good Practices established in the journal and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publications (COPE).


The journal assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of misconduct or inappropriate behavior. Manuscripts that raise doubts about possible misconduct will be rejected. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the works submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.


Responsibilities of Authors

  • Accept the submission of their texts to the established processes and minor stylistic corrections without consultation.
  • Accept the norms, criteria, and editorial procedures of the Journal.
  • Submit only unpublished articles that correspond, in content and structure, to the editorial policies.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest.
  • Do not simultaneously submit their work to another publication while it is under review in the Journal.
  • Acknowledge the credits of the corresponding individuals or institutions.
  • Respect intellectual property.


Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers

  • Accept only works that correspond to their specialty.
  • Fill out the evaluation form directly in the Journal's OJS manager.
  • Provide a verdict within the agreed-upon timeframe with the Editor.
  • Provide an evaluation that adheres to the evaluation format.
  • Inform the editor of any overlap between the document and any other publication.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest.
  • Respect the confidentiality policy of article evaluations.
  • Review the works objectively and impartially.
  • Use clear and respectful language.


Editorial Responsibilities

  • Define, execute, and evaluate Editorial Policies.
  • Select the most relevant articles for publication.
  • Accept or reject the received works based on peer review evaluations.
  • Clarify any doubts that arise during the editorial process.
  • Carry out a transparent, respectful, and impartial editing and publishing process.
  • Apply all text analysis software for similarity index.
  • Maintain confidentiality.
  • Provide the complete material to the publisher for production according to the established requirements.
  • Offer clear and timely information to authors during the editorial process.
  • Publish each issue according to its publication frequency.
  • Publish only unpublished, academically and scientifically relevant, and high-quality material.
  • Evaluate the received works before sending them for peer review.