Digital Preservation Policy

Digital preservation policies

EGU establishes digital preservation as the responsibility and commitment of all staff involved in its editorial management. Its policy to carry it out is governed by:

  • Storing digital resources with great care.
  • Use of preservation strategies such as data rejuvenation, migration, technology preservation and digital archaeology; with the relevant evaluations to verify their effectiveness.
  • Encapsulation of the preserved information along with descriptive metadata.
  • Self-documentation based on the coding of the preserved information, without reference to external documentation.
  • Self-sufficiency to minimize dependencies on systems, data or documentation.

The journal bullets are hosted on internal servers belonging to the node of the Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila.

Use and reuse policies

The University Strategy and Management Magazine is an open access publication. In accordance with international standards for open access publications, any person is authorized to copy, distribute and publicly communicate any of the texts published in the Strategy and University Management Magazine, as long as it is not for profit, it is cited appropriately the source and refers to the original publication. Authors can freely disseminate their work and make it available elsewhere (for example, in institutional repositories, social and academic networks, personal websites, among others).