Beyond training: The perception of nursing graduates and employers, Imbabura-Ecuador




competences, education, nursing, employers, graduates, satisfaction


Higher Education Institutions need to guarantee the relevance and relevance of their academic offer and of the skills developed by graduates, in order to become competitive professionals in a market characterized by constant changes, where higher education fulfills a significant social function. The objective of this article Determine the satisfaction of graduates and employers in relation to Nursing training in an Ecuadorian Higher Education Institution. The quantitative approach study was used as a method, with a descriptive, transactional scope, in a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 128 nursing professionals and 27 employers, to whom a questionnaire with adequate psychometric properties Cronbach's alpha [0.95] was applied. It was obtained as results that the study population is characterized by being young adults, female in 72.6% of graduates and 77.8% in employers. 78.7% of graduates are highly satisfied with the training skills and their relevance to professional performance, unlike employers where 50.2% are satisfied. As a conclusion, it was determined that the continuous quality assurance of nursing training will require permanent feedback from its graduates and from employers, as a mechanism of good practices for the improvement of the different substantive processes of the Higher Institution. Professional quality is self-perceived by 56.20% of graduates at a high level; It is noteworthy that the employers' perception of the quality of the professional is 65.8%, that is, 0.7 points above graduates.


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How to Cite

Karen, J., Vaca Auz, A. J., Cárdenas Robles, E. D. ., & Pineda Gómez, T. A. . (2023). Beyond training: The perception of nursing graduates and employers, Imbabura-Ecuador. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 11(2), 72–85.



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica