Transition from results-based planning and management to a process approach in a university
strategic planning, university processes, management, institutional qualityAbstract
Introduction: The National University Francisco Luis Espinoza Pineda places special emphasis on the application of quality management principles to fulfill its institutional philosophy. In this regard, it commits to steering a new course in strategic planning to transition from a results-based management approach to a process-based management approach, in order to meet strategic objectives and achieve student satisfaction. Objective: to describe the steps developed in this transition. Method: the technique of document analysis of workshop records developed for planning was used as the main methodological resource. Results: the change in strategic planning is evidenced, which was previously conceived based on the four substantive functions and is now elaborated into two strategic processes, three key processes, and six support processes, as reflected in the process map. Additionally, the Institutional Development Plan, the Institutional Strategic Plan, and the Annual Operational Plan are projected. Conclusion: the integration of all university stakeholders and change management through leadership and a culture of continuous improvement is achieved to attain optimal quality results.
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