Management of heritage tourism products: Local development experience at the University of Havana




heritage, local development, tourism products, university, management


Introduction: the enhancement of local heritage involves the creation of tourism products, where community actors have a fundamental role in their development and creation. Objective: to develop an experience for tourist products considering the local heritage. Method: the basic method used was participatory action research as well as theoretical methods such as synthetic and historical-logical analysis. Within the empirical methods, interviews and observations were used in the locations under study. Results: as it was conceived at the University of Havana, a background revision was carried out in the Faculty of Tourism which allowed the faculty to be facilitator of options that give significance to local resources. The contribution to the practice from a pedagogical point of view, enabled an active education by encouraging greater participation and action of students; as well as materializing it through university extension, by managing tourism products and disclose local cultural heritage in various Havana communities and municipalities. Conclusion: these products were presented to local community actors with different modalities ranging from lectures and presentations to tours in various representative sites for the community.



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How to Cite

Martín Zamora, Y., González Espino, Y., & Ramírez Frías, C. H. (2024). Management of heritage tourism products: Local development experience at the University of Havana. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 12(1), 1–12.



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica