What benefits does accreditation represent for the Agri-food Industry Engineering career at Chapingo Autonomous University?





curriculum, higher education, accreditation, valuative state


Introduction: accreditations are fundamental methods that contribute to raising the levels of teaching and educational processes. Objective: to analyze the benefits that the Agroindustrial Engineering program has gained from being accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Committee for Agronomic Education A. C. Method: this is a diagnostic investigation, a case study with quantitative and qualitative analysis where the survey and document analysis were used as methods. Results: it was found that 55% of academics and 84% of students agree that accreditation helps improve the curriculum but has no impact on other aspects, including teaching practice. 55% of academics indicate that accreditation improves management, while 53% believe it aids in curriculum updates, but no benefits are observed in other indicators. Conclusion: being accredited is not enough to ensure the quality of a program, as the ideal would be for the ratings to be close to 100% to demonstrate significant benefits. Additionally, the relevance of developing research on strategic areas that help improve accreditation processes was confirmed.



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How to Cite

Vega Martínez, D., Martínez Gómez, G., & Cortés-Rodríguez, C. A. (2023). What benefits does accreditation represent for the Agri-food Industry Engineering career at Chapingo Autonomous University?. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 11(2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10047955



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica