Conception of interdisciplinary methodological work: its dynamics in the Physical Education discipline




methodological work, interdisciplinary approach, professional improvement, pedagogical professional competence


Introduction: to deepen the conception of the methodological work in the discipline of Physical Education, it was necessary to establish the harmonious relationship in its design for the preparation of teachers of the discipline. Objective: to characterize the methodological work in the professional pedagogical improvement of teachers of the Physical Education discipline for the Mechanical Engineering career at the Universidad de Oriente. Method: the basic method used was participatory action research, theoretical methods such as synthetic analytical, inductive-deductive and historical-logical were used, within the empirical methods, interviews and participant observations were used in the training scenarios that allowed the identification of the relevance of methodological work in the Physical Education discipline. Results: the relevance of the methodological work system was confirmed to offer an accurate treatment to the objectives of the discipline, the subject Physical Education I was taken as a case study in the first year of the Mechanical Engineering degree. Conclusion: the applied system made it possible to raise the quality of the methodological work. When collecting the satisfaction status of the subject teachers, at least 97% recognize the effectiveness of the methodological work system implemented due to its innovative and interdisciplinary nature.


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How to Cite

Meriño Benavides, F., Vega Álvarez, J. E., & Cabezas Salmon , M. (2024). Conception of interdisciplinary methodological work: its dynamics in the Physical Education discipline. Estrategia Y Gestión Universitaria, 12(2), e8619.



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica